I am so excited to introduce you to all of my Incredible quilters that tested Pinwheel Star. It is so incredible to see something I designed being created but such talented individuals. I have enjoyed getting to know each one of these talented testers and would love for you to get to know them as well. Even better get to see the amazing quilts they created.
Erica of @keep.calm.and.bag pattern tested a Throw size of Pinwheel Star. It turned out so cute. I love the printed car fabric for the stars and the whole rainbow of colors for the pinwheels. Erica, I hope you quilt this one yourself and I can not wait to see it finished. Check out Erica on Instagram here.
Where do you live? Washington State
How long have you been quilting? I have been sewing quilts for 30+ years off and on. More recently since fall 2020.
Why do you pattern test? I pattern test because I love helping out designers. I love knowing that I helped make that quilt work out for them.
What do you love about Pinwheel Star? I love the fun shape it creates. The process of creating the different lines is enjoyable and keeps you on your toes.
What was your inspiration or colors used for Pinwheel Star? To be honest the main fabric was on sale and actually one that I had been eyeing all season. And then there was the perfect rolls to match it.
What is one quilting goal you have or your favorite quilting tool? One of my goals is to actually try and quilt a quilt myself without freaking out or messing it up. I always think I can't do it and afraid I will mess it up so I either send it out to a longarmer or stick it in my pile of quilt tops.
Check out the other tester quilts for Pinwheel Star.